Raleigh Day School is inspired by Waldorf education and aspires to be accredited as a Waldorf school.
In fall, 2024, we became recognized as a Registered Initiative by the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. This is the next step in the path to membership.
We are deeply committed to the education of the whole child. This means promoting knowledge of self, other and the world through art, music, and movement as well as through academics. Knowledge acquisition is consolidated most effectively through the multi-modal approaches of the arts and kinesthetics: physical movement and rhythm.
We are committed to the value of our connection with the earth and promote development of the whole child through regular interaction with nature. Thus we spend ample time outdoors on the fields and in the woods. For up to 2 hours each day we eat, play, run, climb , observe, and be in stillness outdoors. Organized play in the form of games, many of which support and reinforce the math we have learned or in the replaying of a story in literature we have studied are enacted on some days; Botany lessons from the classroom are reinforced and deepened by the discoveries in the forests; reflective time for journaling is supported amongst the trees on other days. And often the children engage in the outbreath of pure free play!
We are committed to a screen/digital-free environment. The teacher is a master of knowledge who invites the student to engage the full self in the learning process: listening, seeing, observing, speaking, engaging in the community and social dynamic of the classroom, challenging the self to try something new, developing resilience, tolerance, and pride in one's work.
We are committed to development of social and community awareness. This includes becoming aware of our impact on others, assuming personal responsibility, learning to embrace kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, self-discipline, patience. As we learn to practice these skills in our school community, so may we learn to take our developed selves into the world at large, promoting the best of humanity.
The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America is a non-profit membership organization of independent Waldorf schools and institutes in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The organization exists to strengthen and nurture Waldorf schools.
Read about this organization on their website: https://www.waldorfeducation.org/awsna
AWSNA provides support to schools and teachers through collaboration and mentorship. As a Registered Initiative, Raleigh Day School has established demonstrated ourselves as committed to the principles of Waldorf education.
Only a school that has been functioning for several years, has shown steady adherence to the principles of Waldorf education as defined by AWSNA, has demonstrated fiscal stability and engages in self-study and peer review may apply for Associate Membership. This is our next goal. Later, after being established and engaging in the path defined by AWSNA of continued self-study and peer review we aspire to become full members of the Association and will engage in the AWSNA school accreditation process.
We achieved our first steps toward membership by developing a strong early childhood program and being recognized as an Associate Member of the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN) in 2022. In 2024, we became a Registered Initiative of AWSNA.
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